Memorial Donations
Marilyn Weldon, in memory of Burt Weldon
Shirley Devol, in memory of Elaine Stuart
Bob & Linda Hengst, in memory of Elaine Stuart
Shirley Devol, in memory of Jim Ingram
Bob & Linda Hengst, in memory of Jim Ingram
Jim Barton, in memory of Jim Ingram
Heirs and descendents of EMK #8, in memory of John Smith and Blanche Jordan Dungan
Shirley Devol, in memory of Kristy Conrad
Sharon Devol, in memory of Kristy Conrad
Dave & Kathy Hath, in memory of Kristy Conrad
Vicki & Douglas, in memory of Kristy Conrad
Donna Fraga, in memory of Kristy Conrad
Marjorie Whitendale, in memory of Joan Boswell
Kathy & Dave Hath, in memory of Nadine Hack
Louise Jackson, in memory of Bruce Jackson
Bruce & Patty Miller, in memory of Jim Ingram and Paul & Nadean Bissiri
Jay & Betsy Peterson, in memory of Paul Dungan
Ellen Bates, in memory of Stuart Bates
Sharon Devol, in memory of Nadine Hack
Shirley Devol, in memory of Paul & Nadean Bissiri and Nadine Hack